AFP Police Check- 100% Online with Worker Checks

AFP Police Check

What is an AFP Police Check?

An Australian Federal Police Check, also known as a AFP Police Check, is a certificate issued by the Australian Federal Police, which contains information about an individual’s criminal history in Australia. It is commonly requested by employers, licensing authorities, and other organisations as part of their assessment processes for various purposes, such as employment, licences, volunteer work, or visa applications.

The AFP Police Check provides details of an individual’s disclosable court outcomes, which include convictions, sentences, penalties, and pending charges, obtained from various police and law enforcement databases across Australia. It is important to note that the AFP Police Check only covers offenses committed within Australia and does not provide information about criminal records from other countries.

To obtain an AFP Police Check, individuals typically need to complete application process can be completed 100% online with Worker Checks, provide identification documents, and pay the required fee. The AFP the conduct the necessary checks and verifies the information provided before issuing the certificate.

It is worth noting that each organisation or employer sets its own requirements regarding the validity and currency of an AFP Police Check. Many organisations require a recent check issued within the past 12 months.

Overall, an Australian Federal Police Check is a document that provides information about an individual’s criminal history within Australia and is often required for various purposes, such as employment or volunteering.

What ID do I need for an AFP Police Check?

Worker Checks AFP Police Check Verification of Identity table:

AFP Police Check ID

What is the Difference between Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check and a AFP Check?

The National Coordinated Criminal History Check (NCCHC) and the Australian Federal Police (AFP) Check are two different types of criminal history checks in Australia. Here’s a comparison of the two:

  1. Issuing Authority:
    • NCCHC: The NCCHC is issued by accredited bodies called “Criminal History Check providers.” Such as Worker Checks. Worker Checks is authorised by the Australian Criminal Intelligence Commission (ACIC) to conduct criminal history checks.
    • AFP Police Check: The AFP Police Check is issued by the Australian Federal Police (AFP) directly. The AFP is a federal law enforcement agency responsible for enforcing federal laws and investigating federal offenses.
  2. Coverage:
    • NCCHC: The NCCHC covers an individual’s criminal history information from all states and territories of Australia, including convictions, charges, and pending court proceedings. It combines information from various police databases and sources across the country.
    • AFP Police Check: The AFP Police Check focuses specifically on an individual’s criminal history within the Australian Federal Police jurisdiction. It includes information on disclosable court outcomes, such as convictions, penalties, sentences, and pending charges obtained from AFP databases.
  3. Application Process:
    • NCCHC: The application process for an NCCHC is typically conducted through accredited Criminal History Check providers such as Worker Checks. Applicants complete the online process, provide identification documents, and the provider initiates the check on their behalf.
    • AFP Police Check: The application process can be completed 100% online with Worker Checks Applicants complete the online process, provide identification documents, and pay the required fee.
  4. Validity:
    • NCCHC: The validity of an NCCHC is determined by the organisation or employer requesting the check. Many organisations require a recent check issued within the past 12 months.
    • AFP Police Check: The AFP Police Check is generally considered valid at the time of issue. However, most organisations require a check issued within the past 12 months.

In summary, the National Coordinated Criminal History Check (NCCHC) covers an individual’s criminal history from all states and territories of Australia, while the Australian Federal Police (AFP) Check focuses specifically on the AFP jurisdiction. The NCCHC is issued by accredited Criminal History Check providers who partner with ACIC, while the AFP Police Check is issued directly by the AFP.

Read more on Which police check do I need?

Worker Checks is a leading provider for both Nationally Coordinated Criminal History (NCCHC) and Australian Federal Police Check (AFP Police Check).



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